To join Kodiak Teen Court, students must pass the BAR Examination following participation in our law class, which is held from November through January annually.
For those interested – keep an eye on our FaceBook page for updates on the law class. Signups typically begin in October, and interested students can sign up at their local school office or call us at (907)-486-3550 and leave a message.
What is Kodiak Teen Court?
Kodiak Teen Court is a state-approved program in which youth serve as judges, prosecuting attorneys, and defense attorneys (as well as court bailiffs, court clerks, and jurors) in real criminal cases involving youth under the age of 18. These programs are also called “Youth Courts” or “Community Diversion” courts. To become a Kodiak Teen Court Attorney, you must be between 8th and 12th grade, and complete the Kodiak Teen Court Law Class, take the Bar Examination, and related exercises.
Kodiak Teen Court accepts cases that are referred from the Alaska State court system, and from the Alaska Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). These cases typically involve minors who have committed misdemeanor offenses or offenses involving alcohol such as a MIP (Minor in Possession of Alcohol). The offenders, known as “Defendants” have voluntarily chosen to have their case handled by Kodiak Teen Court.
When you are sworn in as a member of the Kodiak Teen Court Bar Association, you will enjoy the challenge and excitement of handing “live” cases involving real people and real crimes. Whether you choose to prosecute, to defend, or even to pursue the privilege of becoming a Teen Court judge or board member, you will become more comfortable speaking in public. You will also serve your community by providing valuable work service and a positive example for your peers.
For more information, visit our about page located here.